Obama's election take: Falling backwards or moving forward

http://news-updations.blogspot.comPresident Obama cast this year's congressional election as "a choice between falling in backward or moving forward."

"We don't have to guess how the other party will govern," Obama said today at a political fundraiser, blaming the nation's economic problems on the decade of Republican tax cuts for wealthy and lax regulation of banks and oil companies.

Obama spoke on behalf of the Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, a Democrat seeking the job of retiring U.S. Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo.

While the financial crisis of 2008 once threatened a second Great Depression, Obama said that on his watch the economy has started to grow again.

Employing a familiar riff, Obama said Republicans who drove the economy into the ditch are now seeking the car keys again by then re-claiming majorities in Congress. But "they don't how to drive," the president said.

That includes Carnahan's opponent, Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., a U.S. House Republican official during the George W. Bush administration. "He had his hands on the wheel," Obama said.

Blunt told reporters that Obama's economic policies have led to the higher unemployment and a bigger federal debt, and he welcomed the president's visit to the Show Me State.

"I believe he's helping me more than her," Blunt said.

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